Friday, November 20, 2009

Little Evelina

Lina, a friend of mine, messaged me about getting some photos done of Evelina, her little baby girl. I was so excited because I just think she's so adorable. Cute Evelina! I loved photographing her she's such a well behaved baby. One of the best I've taken photos of I think. Lina's sister came to the shoot to watch her little niece being photographed. She was wonderful and helped out a ton! She really coached Evelina during the shoot I think that was a result in the good baby behavior.

Evelina kept up amazingly well with all the flashing lights. She actually really loved them! I find a lot of babies can't stand them and you really have to make them comfortable and play with lighting to get that beautiful end result. Evelina was so hungry after all the modeling she had to be fed and passed out after having her bottle. It was the perfect time to get some really cute sleeping photos. What a memorable time!

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